What its like for me to walk a reactive dog

You have to become a Ninja.

Firstly, I need to acknowledge the picture I have chosen to accompany this blog post. It is very intentional that I have chosen a small breed dog such as the Chihuahua. Being so close to the ground can certainly make lots of things big and intimidating, including almost all other dogs. This makes ‘reacting’ with barking and lunging to other dogs a very common behaviour, one that is often disregarded because of their small size and the ease in which they can be managed. Unfortunately this behaviour is just as serious as my 35kg wolfhound mix lunging, barking and growling at other dogs. Not only is it serious as it can cause injury, but also because it may represent a dog that is really struggling mentally when in proximity of other dogs.

I digress.

Walking with my two dogs often involves zigzagging, U turns and road crossing. Biscuit is very intimidated by large breed dogs that give direct eye contact (basically he is scared of the same version of himself). If we get too close, he will pull, lunge, growl and possibly bark. This inevitably leaves me feeling embarrassed, disappointed (in myself) and anxious. So, to manage the situation I am regularly scanning the foot paths ahead and deciding if I need to walk behind a car or cross the road to increase our distance. It can be a fair cry from a relaxing dog walk and moment to myself.

I used to feel embarrassed about what others might think about me and my dogs, or perhaps make them feel that I perceive their dog as dangerous. Now I confidently accept that I am doing these things for MY dogs benefit and thats the only thing that matters.


Moving away from Bowl feeding